Pandas & Penguins Can Hurt Your Traffic

Posted by 11 years ago

In 2013 Google made over 500 changes to their algorithm that had the potential to impact your website’s ranking and organic traffic. Here were a couple of the more prominent ones, with ways to keep your website safe.

2013 saw yet another roll-out of Google’s ‘Panda’ algorithm update, which penalizes websites with low quality content.

Fresh, quality content is vital to staying out of trouble, and an active blog and regular on-site content creation are the keys. Quality content is defined as original, factually correct, and comprehensive. Here’s an example of a great blog post –

2013 also included another roll-out of Google’s ‘Penguin’ algorithm update, which penalizes websites who receive links from the wrong places.

When building links to your website, avoid websites that exist solely for the purpose of manipulating Google. Focus on link marketing that involves finding customers, such as sharing your blog posts on social media pages like Facebook and Google+.

With 2014 in full swing who knows what Google will do next? With roughly 50-60% of all dealers traffic coming from Google organic search, it’s more important than ever you put in the necessary work to be successful.

If you need help, our SEO team is here. Contact your Client Service Specialist today to get started.

Want to learn more about the algorithm updates that have occurred, and how they may affect you? Moz is a great source –

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