DRAFT: Marketing Should be Riding Shotgun

Posted by 16 years ago

It seems to happen every 6 months or so … a RV dealer will come to us all fired up over some keyword phrases that their website didn't rank for when they typed them into Google.  Typically, the keywods are generic like 'rvs colorado' or 'used rvs', but from the dealer's perspective they feel they should rank in the top 5 or at least the first page for those keywords.  So, we spend a few hours on the phone over a couple of days and send multiple emails back and forth laying out a plan for what it will take to accomplish what they feel is important to them.

Then what typically ws on fire is now not as important.  they see it will cost them something.

Marketing should be riding shotgun not taking a back seat to helping you run your business.  If done right, marketing can help you with making educated decisions and not just blindly guessing.  It can provide direction and then be able to know whether the marketing opportunities you took advantage of helped you achieve your goal or didn't produce the results that were desired.  By leaving your online marketing in the back seat you tend …

Marketing needs to be right next to you riding shotgun.

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