What More Can Be Done?

Posted by 15 years ago

Ok, so your new website (or existing website) has been running for some time.  You've started to see improved traffic and more qualified leads coming through to your sales staff.

The basic optimization work is doing its job but you are wanting more and you ask yourself … What more can be done to increase traffic to my dealership site?  Or how do we keep improving on our SEO?

WARNING! Stop reading now if you are afraid of doing hard work in exchange for great results!

To get more good traffic to your website you can..

Make sure that each and every page on your website is optimized correctly.  The right title, meta info, keywords, and copy/links on the page.

Define and implement your outbound and inbound linking strategy throughout your website.

Decide what new and fresh content will be added to your website, how often it will be added, where it will be added, and who will add it.

Actually do it and write the new/fresh content and add it to your site taking into consideration your outbound/inbound linking strategy mentioned above.

Find all the local business sites that matter like Google Maps, Yahoo Local, Insider Pages, etc.. (almost 10 in all) and make sure your business is listed correctly with up to date information.

On each of the business sites mentioned above ensure your process for handling negative feedback and how you will continue to get positive feedback over time.

Take advantage of social sites like Facebook and Twitter where it makes sense. You can waste alot of time with little results on these sites.  Or you can be efficient by knowing their place in your overall strategy and executing your plans wisely.

Don't overlook social bookmarking sites like Delicious.  If used correctly it's one more good stick in the fire.

Participate in classified site advertising, google base, oodle, and other inventory listing sites that may make sense for your product lines and market area.

Take the time to join in on RVing related forum and blog conversations, especially those on subjects pertaining to your market area or product lines you sell.

Join forces with your local campgrounds, RVing vacation destinations, and tourist attractions to provide something special for your potential joint customers.  The SEO 'link juice' you get from this can be worth every bit of effort.

Take advantage of micro or mini websites, but plan them out well with a pre-determined purpose in mind.

Use sites like Squidoo.com to create lenses about areas of RVing interests.  This serves both for SEO purposes and also new/fresh content.

In all seriousness there are at least 5 more things I could add to the list without even having to think about it, but I think you get the point … there is alot of things that can be done to drive more folks to your dealership.

The botom line is that it takes work.  Whether you do it yourself or you hire someone like us to coach you along or do much of the work for you.  We are here to help if needed so let us know.

No matter what you do … do something.  Get started right now!

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