What are You bringing to the Race Track?

Posted by 14 years ago

Why is it that you don't see Carl Edwards sitting behind a brand new off the showroom floor Ford Fusion in this weeks NASCAR race?

No, they take a car and do all kinds of things to it to make it a top performing machine.  They have drives, crew chiefs, engineers, mechanics, and pit crews.

Why is it that the teams that finish well in each race are typically the ones that spend more money for better people and equipment and also muli car teams that share information between teams to get the best results for everyone?  I've heard other web companies say that both a really small dealer and a very large dealer should pay the same amount of money each month for their web/Internet services … really?  Have you ever experienced getting the results you wanted to achieve simply by doing what everyone else was doing?

Your website is no different.  Out of the box it exists and looks nice, but does it perform to the level you want and expect?

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