The End of an Era

Posted by 11 years ago
Today marks the end of an era as Windows XP is now officially no longer supported by Microsoft. If your computer is among the estimated 1 in 5 computers still using the 13-year-old operating system, it’s important you read on for critical information to prevent any interference with your business.

Bad news… using Windows XP from this day forward will make your computer much more susceptible to cyber attacks. This is because with Microsoft ending their support, they’ll no longer be releasing the safety patches they have over the years that kept things safe.

Good news… your Windows XP operating system will continue working while you find the time to upgrade to the more modern Windows 7 or 8. Of course, you’re also free to continue on as usual with XP, as long as you’re comfortable with the risks.

Want to learn more on your own? Checkout this comprehensive resource put together by Microsoft – Or, as usual, contact your CSS. We’re here to help.
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